

是的,持有爱尔兰有效居留许可者可以在欧盟国家内自由通行和居住长达90天而无需办理再申请签证手续(不包括英国、法国部分海外省及领土). 除爱尔兰外其他欧盟成员国也设有类似的长期居留身份制度,但大多数欧盟国家均允许持该国永久居民身份的外国人出入该国国境;只有捷克共和国、塞浦路斯、马耳他和波兰不允许已持有其永久居留权的外国人行使这项权利。 爱尔兰的长期居留身份分为两种: 1.Stamp 4: 这是最低级别的长期居留身分,申请人必须已经合法居住在爱尔兰两年以上并且拥有在爱尔兰的工作或者投资经历才能获得这个资格。

Stamp 4的持有人可以自由进出欧盟,不过他不能享受欧盟公民的一些福利,例如免费医疗和教育服务以及选举权和被选举权等. Stamping is the process of registering with the GNIB (the Irish government's immigration and citizenship service) to have one’s residence permit formally recorded on their passport or ID card, which entitles stamp holder to enter and leave Ireland without a visa for up to six months in any given period of 18 months from the date stamped unless otherwise specified by the authorizing country. The validity of stamps are generally issued for five years but can be extended further upon request subject to certain conditions. Stamp holders must also apply for an EEA family permit if travelling outside the EU with non-EU nationals who are not citizens of a country that provides for automatic right of entry into the European Union such as Switzerland, Norway or Iceland; this ensures them safe passage back into the EU territory when they arrive at their destination. As part of these requirements you will need two recent colour photographs taken within three months prior to application along with your passport or other valid travel document and proof showing how much time has elapsed between entries into/exits out of Ireland since being granted your last visit(s); there will also likely be additional documentation needed depending what kind of case it is so make sure to check carefully before submitting everything else along with paying fees accordingly whenever asked! Generally speaking though most cases will require either: A) Valid employment contract / evidence related directly towards ongoing work activities currently carried out here B) Investment plan detailing planned investment over time amounting upto €50 thousand in total where said funds would remain invested for minimum duration of next 3 years while generating regular income generated revenue which pays taxes both domest


是的,因为英国对欧盟公民开放了2年多次往返签证,所以爱尔兰的申根也在逐步开放中… 不过目前只能从欧洲大陆前往 爱尔兰机场和码头办理入境手续。而且如果是在机场或者轮渡上办理的话,还需要支付150欧元的过境费呢……

此外对于非欧盟/欧洲经济区/瑞士或第三国公民而言(当然不包括在爱尔兰居住且符合相应条件的申请人),申请爱尔兰短期旅游、商务或是探亲签是不太可能的! 因为众所周知的爱尔兰有严格移民管制政策的…
