10月28日更新 最近收到消息,可以开始着手准备申请签证了! 不过还是等正式通知吧~ 9.14更新 刚刚又和大使馆确认了一次,他们说现在还没有具体的消息,有的话也会第一时间发到邮箱里的。
所以大家可以好好休息一下哈哈(我已经开始幻想明年夏天了) 顺便说一下,如果真要等通知再办签证的话,大使馆是会发电子版的申请表给大家用的,到时候直接填好发给大使馆就好了~ 祝大家都能顺利留在德国嘿嘿
9.6更新 其实前几天就收到了大使馆发的邮件,说因为疫情的缘故,暂时无法给出明确的答复。。。所以大家最好还是要做好回国准备哦。 如果真的要在国内重签D-签证的话,就要先找好新中介,然后预约好时间,等拿到新的签证才能来德国咯~
8.31更新 今天收到了来自大使馆的邮件,主要内容是请大家密切关注疫情发展情况和政府政策,同时提醒大家最好不要在国内重新办理签证,以免届时不能入境(其实我觉得这个话说的有点多余)...总之就是,大家不要想太多了,该来的总会来的~~~ 以下是邮件全文
Dear Mr/Ms [name] Please be informed that as the situation regarding COVID-19 keeps evolving rapidly and its potential impact on international travel is uncertain at this stage, we would kindly ask you to refrain from making arrangements for your inbound journey (e.g. booking a hotel room or buying an airline ticket), until further notice. We will keep you updated accordingly when necessary. In case You intend to visit China again with an expired residence permit, please note that You may have to apply for a new one after being tested negative for COVID-19 within seven days before Your application date of re-entry visa at the Chinese diplomatic missions abroad, which might result in difficulties for Your further stay here due to government policies. Thank You! The Chinese Diplomatic Missions Abroad Attached to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Of china This email and any attachment are intended solely for the use of the addressee and may contain information which is privileged, confidentialor proprietary. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us immediately by e-mail or return it unopened along with all attachments to our Embassy/Consulate General in Germany where received. It may be unlawful for you to read, disclose, copy, store or destroy such material unless authorised to do so. Any views expressed in this communication are those of the individual sender, located somewhere within the Government of China and do not necessarily represent the views of other departments or agencies who may provide more impartial analysis. Copyright Notice © 2020 All Rights Reserved. 中华人民共和国驻慕尼黑总领事馆