

不是的,欧盟身份和公民身份是不同的一个概念。 欧盟是一个区域,是由欧洲共同体发展而来的,现在共有51个成员。而公民身份是国籍的一个称谓。通常来说,拥有某个国家的国籍,也就是这个国家的公民(Citizen of Country)。除了国籍,还有护照(Passport),它是国家政府发给公民的旅行证件,在欧盟范围内,任何一个国家的公民和居民都享有自由的通行、居住、和工作权。而拥有欧盟公民身份的人可以自由通行、住在任何欧盟国家,并可以在该地区工作。但要注意的是,虽然你拥有在高福利欧洲国家自由生活的权利,但这些国家的法律仍然对你的行为进行约束——你不能在当地从事非法活动或犯罪。 那么获得欧盟身份的途径有哪些呢?一般来讲,获得欧盟身份有四种方式:结婚移民、投资移民、雇主担保和其他移民方式。

一. marriage Marriage is a form of legal union recognised by the state in which a man and woman live together as spouses, regardless of gender. In many countries there are both financial and other incentives to marrying an EU citizen. For example, marrying a Frenchman or lady will make you French – and therefore allow you access to all the benefits that come with being part of this country's social security system——and heirs to its nation wealth——but also have the right to work in France, provided you can speak the language. You are allowed to bring your spouse's family, including children, with you to live in the EU country you choose to settle in. In return for these benefits, you must meet certain conditions, such as not working without permission from the authorities, and learning the local language.

二. investment If you want to move to Europe but don't meet the requirements to obtain a visa, you could invest in real estate in one of the countries of the European Union and benefit from tax breaks on capital gains and income derived from the property. The minimum amount of money you need to put into an investment scheme varies from country to country. One option is to set up a company and take out loans or equity from it. Another possibility is to buy shares in existing companies. Or you may prefer to rent out properties you own, pay the rents into a special purpose bank account, and use the income generated from the rental to fund your new life in Europe. There is no limit to how much you can earn from renting out your investments—provided it was within reasonable limits and used for personal purposes only. Some EU member states offer tax-free pensions to expatriates who contribute to their retirement through salary deduction while employed abroad; others offer tax credits on pensions paid by foreign employers (see chapter seven)




