

雅思口语part2是考官根据你答题的内容随机提问的,没有固定问题,也没有高分答案。 当然,一些通用的问题和回答我在这里还是建议大家可以看看的~

Part2话题描述:你觉得哪里让你感到特别兴奋/激动/令人激动的? 回答:1. 地点类 ①城市(交通,经济,文化) ②建筑(风格,历史,功能) ③景点(特色,故事,体验)

2人物类 ①身边的人(家庭伙伴、同学、室友等) ②名人(偶像,历史人物等) ③熟悉的人(老师、医生等) 不熟悉的可以翻看我之前的笔记哦~

3.物 ①物品(收藏品,宠物,乐器等...) ②食物(当地美食,异国美食,烹饪方法等...) ③科技产品(互联网,电脑手机,智能产品等...) 我之前也总结过类似的话题,需要的同学也可以看看哦~

5.其他 ①学习(课堂活动,图书馆,学业压力等等...) ②空闲时间(看电影,看书,锻炼等等...) ③烦恼的事(财务问题,家庭问题,情感问题等等...) ④感兴趣的事(户外探险,旅行,电影等等...) 希望能帮到大家呀!


In my opinion I have a fairly good taste for music and I like most genres of music to some degree although there are some styles that I definitely prefer to others. For example I really like rock. classic rock bands such as Led Zeppelin Yes and the Rolling Stones to be more specific. I also like listening to some modern rock particularly blues rock bands like the White Stripes and Jack White’s other band, the Raconteurs, which also features the drummer from The Pretenders. Another genre of music that I like listening to is jazz, especially acoustic jazz and old school swing bands like Count Basie and Glenn Miller.

The other day I was listening an album that’s a mixture of both these genres called Cruisin’ which is a collection of swing songs played in a rock format. Anyway I think it’s important to have a good musical mind because music is such a big part of living. It’s something that is with us all the time and it helps to shape and reflect our mood more than probably any other form of art.
