英国大学的专业设置和国内不一样,它们不会像国内的大学一样,区分什么“某某学院(系)”,“某某系”。英国大学的课程设置是通用的,比如剑桥大学就没有什么“建筑系”“经济系”之类的称呼,只有 Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FAAH) ,Faculty of Science (FASc) 和Faculty of Divinity(FDiv) 。每个学校的院系设置是不一样的,但是专业基本上是通用的,你会在各种列表上看到很多类似“艺术与人文系(以下简称FA)”,“自然科学系(FS)”和“神学系(FD)”等等这样的分类。
所有的专业都有相应的学位,一般分为 Undergraduate Certificate,Degree 和 Masters Degree 三类。其中Certificate 的学制最短,一般为一年,学生完成该证书的学习后可继续攻读后面的 Degree 或Masters,而最长期的则是Postgraduate Research Degree,通常适用于那些准备继续读PhD的学生。对于国际学生的申请,绝大多数学校都要求申请者拥有本科学位,少部分会考虑高中毕业生,但往往会对申请人本科的成绩有一定要求。而对于研究生的申请,绝大多数学校都会要求申请者拥有本科学历以及学士学位。至于具体的要求,则要看你所选择的院校及专业了。
1. University of Bristol 英国布里斯托大学
BA Visual Art
URL 视觉艺术文学学士
This four-year degree provides you with the opportunity to explore the visual arts through a range of different mediums, from two-dimensional design and sculpture to installation and new media. You will learn about the theoretical and historical contexts behind art and design and be encouraged to experiment with your own ideas and concepts in an attempt to develop a personal creative practice.
The first year is devoted to building core subject knowledge and skills in areas such as drawing, illustration, history of art, design, critical thinking, science and research methods. In the final three years, you can choose to specialise in one or more area, ranging from fine art到new media to film and video, while still receiving training in fundamental principles——so whatever your final choice, you’ll gain a solid grounding in visual arts. 所有学科都需要一定量的数学知识和分析能力来解决理论和实践问题。在最后一年的选择上,需要与你的顾问和老师一起决定最好的学习方式,因为有些科目是需要大量的实验和实践的(这取决于你选的院系)。虽然这是一个很广的概念,但我们希望最后能培养出能够创造高质量艺术品的人才。
2. Goldsmiths, University of London 伦敦金史密斯大学
MA Fine Art
URL 艺术设计硕士
The MA offers you the chance to advance your practice in art and/or design, working across all disciplines on a course that encourages experimentation——overcoming any prejudices you may have formed about what it means to make ‘high quality’ work. The course aims to provide a supportive environment where students are encouraged to take risks and challenge their assumptions about how they create and