我今年刚拿到这所高中的offer,看学校的官网是可以找到击剑项目的(其他运动项目也都可以在这里面找到) 这里贴出官网关于击剑的描述:
Fencing is an Olympic sport with three weapons (foil, saber and epee). Michigan State High School Athletic Association (MHSAA) recognizes fencing as a varsity sport that counts towards the total number of sports offered by the school. Fencing is taught in two levels: Recreational/Introduction to fencing (for beginners) 和 Competitive(for advanced students). The recreational level is for those who want to learn the rudiments of fencing and develop basic skills that transfer from weapon to weapon. The competitive level emphasizes on-the-spot problem solving, rapid transformation between different styles of fencing and the development of strategies specific to individual events or tournaments. Classes are available at all skill and interest levels during fall, winter and spring terms. A uniform and equipment will be provided free of charge to participants enrolled in at least one semester of competition.
3、提供全套制服和装备(注意:这里说的装备是包括护甲的!) 关于费用的问题,因为我是国际生所以在学费方面是有优惠的(比美本学生还要便宜),学费大概是$450(好像是所有学分课程里面最便宜的),加上器材使用费和其他费用一共是$875一学期。这个费用包含教材费、教练费、场地费、设备使用费等。