

Champagne is located in the northeast part of France. This region is famous for its vineyards and wineries that create some of the best wines in the world: Chanel Nº5 of course, but also Haut-Brion, Cheval Blanc, and Mouton-Canet。 So it makes sense that Chambepaire (the city where Champagne is situated) has a very high quality of life (4th highest, according to U.S. News) with low cost of living and a lot of fun things to do.

The city itself isn’t huge; about 170,000 people live there (about half the size of Atlanta) so you won't be lost in this metropolis. You will however need a car if you plan on going anywhere else outside of the city limits. And trust me——you will want to go elsewhere. The countryside around Champaign is absolutely beautiful.

For our first year there we lived right behind Notre Dame de Paris. Our apartment building was old and charming with high ceilings and big windows. For $860 a month we were able to get an entire apartment to ourselves (with two bedrooms,a kitchen, and a bathroom)! I can't say enough good things about our home away from home.

Championnats de Formule 1 au Circuit de Neubourg sur Saône 2013 (Photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/julien_riquet/8244919983/)

If you are into food,there is no shortage of delicious restaurants at your disposal –from inexpensive bistros to fine dining establishments. We particularly enjoyed Le Baratin, a tiny restaurant where everything is prepared tableside by the chef himself. Or for a really unique culinary experience, try La Table d'Hélène——an entire restaurant built inside a truck!

If you love to shop, you are in luck as well. There are a bunch of malls with brand name stores or you can venture out into the streets and find small boutiques. My personal favorite shopping area, however, is Les Halles Market. In addition to all of the regular vendors, there are also street performers and the market is open until late afternoon. It's just a really fun place to hang out.

As far as language goes, the French are notorious for


1. 法语很重要,因为大部分的专业都是法文授课的;如果你法语水平不够的话,建议报读ESL语言班,入学前需要先通过法语考试才允许入取。语言阶段大概2年时间(学费大概是8-9w)。然后进入专业课的学习。

2. 关于费用的问题没有标准答案,要看你选择什么专业,以及个人能力。有的专业学费很贵,比如商科、法律等,这些专业的学费一般都比其他专业高一些。在法国留学费用是很便宜的,一年所有开销加起来30万左右就够了(不算生活费)。至于费用多少取决于你的个人情况了,有些同学能省下不少钱呢!

3. 目前我们也有学生申请到巴黎政治学院的,不过这个专业相对难申请些哦。但是也不是不能申请的,只要你足够优秀,还是有机会的哦~~ 如果还有其他疑问欢迎咨询我~ 最后祝楼主好运咯~~
